
Orthopedic surgery Cabinet
Orthopedics deals with all issues related to the diagnosis and treatment of irregularities in the functioning and construction of the musculoskeletal system

Gynecological Cabinet
A field of medicine dealing with the prevention and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system

Ophthalmology Cabinet
Patients have at their disposal consulting rooms, a laser laboratory and a diagnostic laboratory

Ophthalmology Cabinet for Children
We specialize in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of baby's vision defects

Oncology Cabinet
Consultation room, diagnostics, counseling and specialist care in the field of oncology, breast diseases and radiotherapy of non-cancer diseases

Otolaryngological Cabinet
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases: ears, nose and sinuses, throat, larynx

Psychiatric and Psychological Cabinet
Addiction treatment, individual psychotherapy, marital / couples therapy, family therapy, sexual dysfunction therapy, psycho-oncological help